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Miroslav Chomjak, 06.11.2012 21:31

samicka v noci nezahrieva znasku


zacala vytuzena chovna sezona, v budkach sa objavuju znasky, niektore pary uz zasadli
a prave tu by som sa zastavil u jedneho konkretneho, ktory prejavuje neobycajne chovanie 

cely den precizne sedia na znaske avsak akonahle pride cas kedy im zhasne osvetlenie v chovnej klietke samicka po kratkej chvilke vyjde von a celu presedi na bidielku ..... rano akonahle sa rozsvieti sa opat na znasku vrati a takto sa to opakuje uz 5 den ....

stretol sa uz niekto s tymto prejavom a co by mohla byt pricina daneho chovania samicky?

dakujem Vam za prispevky

S pozdravom Miro 


the breeding season has begun, eggs have appeared in the booths and some of the couples has already sat.  But there is one couple that has a unusual behavior.

During the day they sit on eggs responsibly , but in the evening when the lights  turn off, hen comes out from booth in few seconds  and all the night  she sits on roost. In the morning, when the lights up she returns to the booth. This is still repeating  for 5 days.


Has someone met with this behavior already?  What might be causing the behavior of this hen?

Thank you for your answers

Kind regards Miro 

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Milos Haska, 11.11.2012 13:25

toto chovani je velmi neobvykle, sam jsem se stimto nesetkal. Nicmene si vybavuji, ze se toto tema jiz probiralo na jine diskusi. Tusim kolga Lifat tam tenkrat prispival ze se stim setkal. Pokud se ve vajicku zdarne vyvyji embrio, nevidel bych v tom problem, pokud nikoliv, asi bych pristoupil k preparovani a pripadne k vyrazeni z chovu.
S pozdravem Smidla

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