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dr. gould, 11.10.2012 15:48

Breeding season dietary requirements

Hi there,

I'm new to the forum. This site is great! :-)
I recently read the article "What wild gouldian finches can tell us" reported in the fabulousfinch website. Moreover I'm reading the book "The Gouldian Finch" by Stewart & Fidler. I found both very interesting and I have a couple of questions about dietary requirements of these birds.

In the above cited articles, a four steps nutrition cicle is suggested:

1) Maintenance and resting

2) Pre-breeding austere diet

3) Breeding season

4) Molting season 

In each phase a typical mixture of seeds is given to the birds. How do you shift from one to another in terms of changes of seed mix? I mean do you change it gradually?

At Page 103 of the book a herb seed mix is suggested to be given to the birds during the breeding period. Is this herb seed mix given to the birds in a separate container or mixed with soft food/millet seed mix?


Pre vloženie nového príspevku musíte byť prihlásený.

Marek Buranský, 11.10.2012 16:25

Hello anonymous :)

The English version of the site is being prepared, but there is quite a bit of content and considering the time needed for this, it is a long process.
If you are interested however, try the Google translator for these links:
these chapters contain my description of breeding techniques.
In my breeds the season is divided into parts as you described them in your e-mail, they are not however strictly defined. In other words,  the periods, e.g. rest, nesting, molting are applied rather to each pair separately, than to the entire breed. The birds in my breed have a yearlong supply of pre-processed egg mix, so no greater changes occur between the life cycles of the birds. Fresh egg mix is only given to nesting pairs and chicks during their first molting.

The birds are given a mix of dry seeds DELI NATURE 84 yearlong, to this mix I also add Canary Grass (Phalaris canariensis), so the total amount of Canary Grass is ca. 50-60%
The birds out of nesting season also have a different lighting regime, meaning I do not prolong the day to 12-14 hours, as I do with nesting pairs.
During molting season breeding pairs are given fresh egg mix ca. 2 times a week.
It is hard to give an answer in but a few sentences, so if it is possible, try to translate the listed chapters and feel free to ask, if you have any more questions.
Best regards,

Ahoj anonym.

na anglickom preklade mojich stránok sa pracuje, no je toho veľa a a tak pre časovú náročnosť je tento proces zdĺhavý.

ak by si však mal záujem, môžeš si aspoň cez google dať preložiť tieto odkazy:





v týchto kapitolách popisujem technológiu chovu.

v mojom chove je sezóna rozdelená v podstate do častí tak, ako si ich uviedol v tvojom e-maily. nie sú však tieto obdobia striktne oddelené. teda inak povedané, jednotlivé obdobia, teda kľud, hniezdenie, preperovanie.. sú skôr aplikované na jednotlivé chovné páry ako na celé chovné zariadenie.

okrem toho u mňa majú vtáky celoročne k dispozícii priemyselnú vaječnú zmes, aby neprišlo k veľkým zmenám medzi jednotlivými životnými cyklami vtákov. čerstvú vaječnú zmes dostávajú len hniezdiace páry a mláďatá počas prvého preperovania.
vtáky celoročne dostávajú zmes suchých zŕn DELI NATURE 84 , k tejto zmesí pridávam ešte lesknicu (Phalaris canariensis ) , takže celkový obsah lesknice v krmive je cca 50 –60 %.

páry mimo sezóny hniezdenia majú iný svetelný režim, teda nepredlžujem im deň na 12 –14 hodín tak, ako hniezdiacim párom.
počas sezóny preperovania dostávajú chovné páry cca 2 x za týždeň čerstvú vaječnú zmesku.

je ťažko odpoveď vtesnať do pár viet. ak je to možné, prelož si v google tie kapitoly, ktoré som poslal a kľudne sa spýtaj, ak máš otázky.

s pozdravom.


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