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Wachek Jaros, 17.08.2012 17:27


Hello fellow fanciers. My name is Wachek but here everyone calls me Vats and I live in Great Britain and I have come back into the hobby breeding Gouldians after a 20 year break, it’s nice to see some new colours and the genetic forecaster is fantastic I am using the version 1.1 and can’t wait for an updated version well done Marek. I will certainly forward this web site to other forums here in Britain best wishes to every one. Vats.


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, 17.08.2012 21:23


Welcome back to the breeder's society of Gouldian finches. Every good breeder is very beneficial for saving and breeding of this beautiful birds. I wish you the best of luck in breeding your birds.
I am very glad you like my web site, I will appreciate if you could refer it at some other forums running in UK.

 I am also very glad that you like the genetic forecast tool at my web site. I am the author of the genetics data and Mr. Rapant is a programmer of this tool. We aimed to create a helpful tool for the breeders of Gouldian finches - so they could calculate the colour mutations of the offsprings when setting up their breeding pairs. WE are currently working on a new version of the genetic forecast which will be including some of the new mutations (lutino, albino, cinnamon, dark factor, white..). However, this a very difficult thing to do and it will still take us a few months to finalise this work.

Once again, welcome back to the breeding society of the Gouldian finches and I look forward to your contribution in my forum.

With best wishes,
Marek Buranský 

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Nektarios Gelias, 19.08.2012 12:08

Welcome friend :)

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Mirosława Linkowska Linkowska, 03.11.2012 18:23

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Mirosława Linkowska Linkowska, 03.11.2012 18:39

Linkowski Marek   2012.11.03
Witam wszystkich hodowców i miłośników amadyn, strona bardzo dobra ,dużo przydatnych informacji, wiadomości. Z dużym zainteresowaniem czytam artykuły i porady takiego fachowca jak  Pan Marek Buransky. W swojej hodowli staram się wszystko tak robić ,aby ptaki miały jak najlepiej. Wszystkie moje poczynania przed zastosowaniem analizuję czy to będzie dobre dla ptaków,sprawdzam czy im nie zaszkodzę, porównuje z wiadomościami zawartymi na tej stronie.  Strona super.
                                                               Pozdrawiam Marek Linkowski 

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Marek Buranský, 04.11.2012 17:34


Witam was na tym forum. Dziękujemy za  komplement stron.

Marek Buranský

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